3d illustration of 3 friends standing and waving3d illustration of man sitting on floor on his phone

But the


Hire top 3% devs from Indonesia

Clouds that cover Heading 1 "Grow your team effortlessly"
your team
Clouds that cover Heading 1 "Grow your team effortlessly"Clouds that cover Heading 1 "Grow your team effortlessly"Clouds that cover Heading 1 "Grow your team effortlessly"

The Process

Step One of the process

Tell us your business, tech stack and requirements. We'll provide salary ranges and answer any questions.

Step two of the process

We screen and interview devs from our network. We'll put forward the top 1-3 for you to review.

Step three of the process

We'll onboard your new dev into your business and set you up for a successful, long-term relationship.

Who is it for?

Digital Agencies

HireIndo is perfect for digital agencies that need reliable developers without breaking the bank.

Compliment your existing team to deliver high quality results for clients while increasing project profitability.

Scaling Start-ups 🚀

Are you a scaling startup looking to grow your high performing engineering team?

We hire fast so you can focus on building product and scaling your startup.

Never worry about scaling engineering teams again.
What's Included

We take care of everything


We're gurus when it comes to the Indonesian market. We'll handle recruitment, screening and the initial interview process so you just review the top candidates we put forward.


We provide every dev with the latest Macbook Pro. Any other equipment can also be arranged.

HR &

We hire the devs under our Indonesian company to ensure the dev has peace of mind while staying fully compliant with Indonesian law.

Payroll & Tax

We handle payroll, payslips, employment taxes, government insurance and superannuation. You just pay the simple monthly cost in AUD and we'll take care of the rest.


It's your turn to use the secret weapon

Senior devs average

AUD $4.9K

No recruitment fee
Includes govt taxes and insurance
Includes Macbook Pro rental
No other hidden fees or costs
Contact Us
About us

Our awesome team

Brandon Ward | Founder & CEO
Aidan Scott | Founder & CTO
Andree Calvin | Head of Recuitment
3d illustration of icon of two chat bubbles

Trusted by loyal companies

11+ Happy clients | 31+ Devs placed

"I don't think Freighthub could've continued if it wasn't for HireIndo" - Alan Walpole (Freighthub)


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose the developers I hire?

Yes, this is an important part of the initiation process. We'll screen and interview candidates then send through only the top ones we think are worth your time to review. We'll include their CV, their initial interview notes along with our opinion on what we think their strengths and weaknesses are.  

We'll then organise interviews with you and any of the candidates you believe are suitable as the last step before deciding to hire them.

What do I see on my invoices and how does billing work?

Every month you'll receive a single invoice for the fixed monthly fee of your developer(s) in AUD.
This is paid in advance. e.g: a dev's April salary would be paid by the 31st March.
This fee includes everything.

How does the equipment and laptop work?

We provide all devs with a Macbook Pro. This is already included in the fee.

How do I cancel or terminate my employee?

During the employee's first 30 days of employment, if you're unhappy for reason we'll terminate the employment and provide a full refund no questions asked. Please note you must provide written notice to us within 30 days from the start date of the employee's employment starting.

After the 30 day money back period, simple give us 30 days notice to cancel the employment.

Are there any setup fees or recruitment costs?

We don't charge any kind of setup or recruitment fees. We only charge you the monthly cost of the employee and our HireIndo fee.

Before an employment contract is started you are required to pay a refundable bond of 1 month salary and HireIndo fee as well as the first monthly in advance (prorated down if the employee doesn't start on the 1st of the calendar month).

The refundable bond will be refunded to you at the end of the employee's employment agreement assuming you give us the required cancellation notice of 30 days and you pay all of your invoices.

Does Indonesia have 13th-month salary? How does this work?

Yes, Indonesia, like other Asian countries, has a 13th-month salary payment that is required by law (known as Tunjanan Hari Raya or "THR"). But don't worry, we already account for this on our-end. You simple pay the fixed monthly fee in AUD and we take care of the rest. You do not need to pay the 13th month salary.

Do you provide part-time or contract developers?

Unfortunately at this time, we only work with full-time employed developers. If you're looking for part-time or contractors, feel free to reach out as we might be able to point you in the right direction anyways.